Different Techniques for Rubber Dam Isolation: A Cross-Sectional Study

  • Syed Fatima Zahra Armed Forces Institute of Dentistry, (AFID), Rawalpindi
  • Ajmal Yousaf Armed Forces Institute of Dentistry, (AFID), Rawalpindi
  • Sana Ashfaq Armed Forces Institite of Dentistry, (AFID), Rawalpindi
  • Fatima Ali Armed Forces Institute of Dentistry, (AFID), Rawalpindi
  • Maha Aslam Armed Forces Institute of Dentistry, (AFID), Rawalpindi
Keywords: Advances, Dentistry, Isolation, Optra Dam, Rubber Dam.


Objective: To assess knowledge, regarding use of rubber dam during root canal treatment among dentists in Rawalpindi and Islamabad.
Study Design: Descriptive cross-section
Place and Duration of Study:  Operative Department Armed Forces Institute of Dentistry (AFID) Rawalpindi from 1st March 2020 to 31st May 2020.
Materials and Methods:  A web-based questionnaire, comprising of close-ended questions in the categories of demographics, clinical experience, usage of isolation techniques and knowledge regarding rubber dam (RD) use, procedures, and contraindications was sent through internet to 387 dentists of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The response rate was 77.5%. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20, and was displayed as numbers and percentages.
Results: 79 out of 300 i.e. 26.33% respondents used rubber dam in restorative and endodontic procedures. 73.3% were using other methods of isolation such as cotton rolls, saliva ejectors and high volume suction. All the respondents were aware about the importance of rubber dam. The most challenging factor for dentists (57.3%) was high influx of patients per day.
Conclusion: Rubber dam is not being used commonly by participating dentists of tertiary dental hospitals of Rawalpindi and Islamabad mainly because of high patient turnover per day, combination of cotton rolls and saliva high-volume ejector or gauze is the most common alternative to rubber dam isolation. Rubber dam isolation is highly recommended.



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